“Google Maps Navigation launched for Android phones in ... - Topnews” plus 2 more |
- Google Maps Navigation launched for Android phones in ... - Topnews
- What's Happening in Oroville - Oroville Mercury-Register
- Announcing the launch of The Roving Travellers' Store - PRLog (free press release)
Google Maps Navigation launched for Android phones in ... - Topnews Posted: 21 Apr 2010 08:15 PM PDT Internet search giant Google's turn-by-turn GPS navigation system has been launched for smartphones running its Android operating system in the UK and Ireland. Google Maps Navigation has been made available for all devices running 1.6 or later version of Android operating system. Until now, the system was available only in the United States. The development could be a serious threat for the market leaders such as TomTom, which guides motorists to their destinations. TomTom for Apple iPhone costs more than 50 pounds, but the newly launched Google Maps app is available free of cost. Google Maps Navigation is an Internet-connected GPS that offers turn-by-turn voice guidance on Google Maps. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. |
What's Happening in Oroville - Oroville Mercury-Register Posted: 22 Apr 2010 10:29 PM PDT Butte County Retired Employees Luncheon All retired Butte County employees are invited to attend a no-host luncheon at noon today, April 23, at Western Pacific Brewery & Dining, 2191 High St. Fee $12.25 at door. To RSVP or for more information, call Anne Belser at 533-8086. Oroville Exchange Club Talent ShowChildren 6-18 years old enrolled in school who are amateurs at singing, dancing, playing instruments and presenting drama are encouraged to enter the Exchange Club's Talent Show. No more entries accepted. Competition at 7 p.m. today, April 23. Arrive by 6:30 p.m ready to go. Both at Central Middle School Auditorium, 2565 Mesa Ave. Annual California Country Hoe Down at Farm SanctuaryRegistration deadline April 23 for two-day event, May 1-2, at 19080 Newville Road, Orland. Conference and festivities for all ages. Learn about current farm animal protections issues and campaigns from speakers, including Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone; Gene Baur, Sanctuary president and co-founder; Jonathan Balcombe, author of "Pleasurable Kingdom and Second Nature: The Inner Lives of Animals." Also hayrides, visit animals, presentations and workshops on health, the environment and social justice. Saturday evening barn dance with live music and contra dance caller. Free camping Saturday night. Registration $45 adults, $35 students, $20 children under 13. Includes catered dinner and continental breakfast. Information or registration, (607) 583-2225, ext. 221, or visit farmsanctuary.org. Oroville Pageant Riders Spring Poker RideSign-ups start at 8:30 a.m. for the ride, Saturday, April 24, at the Lakeland Trail Head parking area and Dan Bebe Trail. Ride starts at 10 a.m. sharp. Cost of $20 per person includes lunch; those not riding may purchase lunch for $5. Cash prizes for first, second and third place; prizes awarded to riders under age 18; awards for oldest and youngest riders and rider who traveled the farthest to join ride. Raffle prizes drawn after lunch. 533-3717 or 534-7841. Oroville Christian School Garage SaleStudents will have a sale to raise money for the 2012 Washington D.C. Historical Sites tour from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, April 24, at 3100 Oro Dam Blvd. 589-5819. Open House at Wyandotte GrangeFrom 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, April 24, at 4910 Foothill Blvd. Meet the new sheriff. Free games for children with pinata at 11 a.m. Oro Dam Cruisers and Crafters. Become a Grange member for $3 for the rest of the year. Luncheon: Pull apart beef sandwich, slaw, chips, cookie and drink for $5. Earth Day nature walk and trail clean upExplore historic chaparral hillside trails around Lake Oroville Saturday, April 24, and help pick up litter for Earth Day. Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., meet at the Lake Oroville State Recreation Area Visitor Center, 917 Kelly Ridge Road, for directions, trail maps and hiking guides. Plastic trash bags and educational handouts will be provided. Hikers who pick up litter along the way will be awarded a free day use pass for future access to the park. The Bidwell Bar Association, Lake Oroville Mounted Assistance Unit, Lake Oroville Bicycle Association and Oroville Pageant Riders all pitch in to contribute to the annual clean up. 538-2219. Swiss steak dinner at Palermo GrangeFrom 5-7 p.m. Saturday, April 24, at 7600 Irwin Ave. Adults $7, children under 12 $5. Public invited. Take out orders available. 534-7251 or 533-9211. South Oroville African American Historical Society Cotton Club eventFrom 8 p.m.-midnight Saturday, April 24, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, 1901 Elgin St. Wear one's best '50s clothes and come ready to dance and eat. Dance and style contests will be held during the evening. Barbecue rib and chicken dinners will be sold from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at same location. Dine in or have a dinner delivered. Tickets for dinners are $15, and tickets for the Cotton Club event, which includes dinner, are $30. All donations are tax deductible. For tickets, call 533-7388. Fourth annual Surplus City Spring Mud & Crawl 2010Saturday and Sunday, April 24-25, gates open 9 a.m. at Riffles RV Park, 4515 Pacific Heights Road, Oroville. Amateur four-wheel drive competition with four classes; modified A, modified B, super modified and unlimited; 13 extreme rock courses. Cash prizes, trophies. Also food and commercial vendors and 4-WD vehicle displays. Big raffle benefits Disabled Sports USA Far West. Admission $10 adults; $7.50 children 7-12; free to ages 6 and younger. No ice chests, glass containers, pets or alcohol. On-site camping available. Reservations, information, 533-2500 or www.cj-jeep.com. The Propylite Hills, Sutter Buttes hikeSponsored by the Sacramento River Preservation Trust, this five-mile walk is Sunday, April 25, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Walk transects decomposed volcanic rock, or Propylite, forming large rounded hills. Slow to moderate pace with views from 800-foot elevation. Guided by Daniel Barth, of Yuba Historical Society. Wildflower displays. Instruction on Sutter Buttes, geology, history and biological community. Another guide will lead those unable to handle steep hills. Bring lunch, water and dress accordingly. Cost is $30 for Trust members; $40 non-members. Reserve by calling 345-1865 or e-mail liz@sacrivertrust.org. International Order of Odd Fellows breakfastOroville Odd Fellows and Rebekahs lodges are hosting the breakfast from 8-11 a.m. Sunday, April 25, at Odd Fellows Hall, 1470 Oliver St. Adults $5, children $2. Alan McGrew, 533-4482. Spruce Up Downtown Oroville DayOroville Downtown Business Association and the city of Oroville are encouraging community members to take part of the day starting at 8 a.m. Sunday, April 25. People will be painting the railroad trestles on Myers and Huntoon streets, pressure washing sidewalks, cleaning planters and green belt areas, planting flowers and painting some building facades. Those wanting to participate should meet at Mugshots Coffee House on Montgomery Street near Myers Street. At noon, there will repainting of the missing line on the Greenline route and the filming of a video commissioned by the Oroville Tourism Committee. Meet at Montgomery and Huntoon streets. Native Plant Garden TourThe Mt. Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society sponsors the tour, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, April 25. Donation of $8 for adults, children free with adults. Five residential gardens in Chico, Paradise and Durham; two public native plant gardens and two native plant nurseries featured. Native plant interpreters at each site. Proceeds will go to preservation of California native plants in the four-county Mt. Lassen Chapter area. Tickets at Mendon's Nursery, Paradise; Floral Native Nursery, Little Red Hen Nursery, Plant Barn and Gift Shop and Lyon Books in Chico. Tickets also available day of tour after 10 a.m. at Chico Creek Nature Center, 1968 E. Eighth St. Rain or shine. 893-2886. New Oroville Lion's Club formingAn organizational meeting will be held starting at 6 p.m. Monday, April 26, at Roxy's Golden Poppy Deli, 1963 Montgomery St. Lions International is open to both men and women. Ray J. Penix, 534-2181 or 521-1521. Mike Dahl, 846-3190. Cooking for Optimal Health seriesThis series of nutrition classes and cooking demonstrations will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday evenings, April 27-June 1, in Williams Hall, 1180 Robinson St. Certified instructors will teach how to select proper foods for better health, the use of plant-based foods, nutritious desserts and healthy fast food. Space is limited, so call early, 534-0488. St. Thomas School History Fair NightAt 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 28, in the school's Fitzgerald Hall, 1380 Bird St. Come see research projects. The school will host in conjunction with History Fair Night, the Kindergarten Informational Evening at 6:30 p.m. There is a new family tuition rate of $225/month/family regardless of family size. For information, call the office at 534-6969. Public meeting on dogs killing livestock and roaming freely in communitiesMeet 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 28, at Palermo Elementary School to address problems with out-of-control roaming dogs, who to report incidents to, how to get assistance after the fact and conclude a safe and lawful remedy. Officials attending: Phyliss Murdock, director of Butte County Public Health Department; Amber Abbott, Butte County Animal Control officer; Lt. John Kuhn, Butte County Sheriff's Department; Mike Ramsey, Butte County D.A.; Lt. Sam Castillo and Mark Imsdah, California Department of Fish and Game; Matt Albertsen, USDA Wildlife Services specialist; and Bill Connelly, Butte County supervisor District 1. Open to Palermo residents and those in surrounding areas. Bring writing materials to record important contact information. Arrive early to assure seating. Information, Ron and Norie Wheeler, 534-0996. Oroville Exchange Club's Ugly Dog ContestFve finalists will be chosen by a panel of dignitaries at a Chamber of Commerce mixer Thursday, April 29, at Chamber offices, 1789 Montgomery St., where KIXE will be filming. Public invited; hot dogs available. Prizes for five finalists and "doggie makeover" for top dog, who will be in the Oroville Exchange Club Fiesta Days Parade May 8. Feather Fiesta Days booth applicationsApplications available for booths at Feather Fiesta Days Saturday, May 8. The Annual Crafts Faire; spaces for crafters at Sank Park, 10 feet by 10 feet, $35. Sponsored by Oroville Docent's Association. Call Carol Brown, 589-1299, for applications. The Goldrush Lot, in public parking lot A, is also accepting vendor applications for food, games, information and products booths; sizes and prices vary. This run by the Oroville Downtown Business Association. Mike Isch, 534-9005, or www.orovillechamber.net (events) for applications. Artists of River Town featured artistFeatures miniature paintings and fine-art jewelry of Diana Wyles through Friday, April 30, at 1435 Myers St. Gallery hours 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Tuesdays-Saturdays. 533-4140. 4-H Huge Rummage Sale and BarbecueThe Palermo 4-H Club fundraiser will be from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 1, at corner of Lincoln Boulevard and Palermo Road, next to Palermo Post Office. Prices will be marked. Sylvia or Ray, 533-0392 (home) or 534-7500 (work). Third annual Spring Fling/Butte County/CAL Fire ExpoFrom 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 1, at 2771 Pentz Road, near Highway 70. A day of family fun with no admission. Unlimited children's games and bounce house for $5 per child. Giant yard sale, face painting and children's crafts and bucket brigade and fire hose races. Food: hot dogs, chips, drinks, popcorn, snow cones, $1 each. Butte County CAL Fire, Butte County Sheriff, Public Safety with equipment displays. Local community groups. Also, Smokey Bear, Barney the Car. Sponsored by Golden Feather Parents' Club and Butte County CAL Fire. Benefits all students at Spring Valley and Concow schools. Palermo 16th annual Talent ShowTri-tip dinner fundraiser and talent show Saturday, May 1, with dinner 5-6:30 p.m. and talent show 7-10 p.m. at Palermo School Auditorium, 7350 Bulldog Way. Dinner $7 adults, children 7 and older, $3.50; children 6 and younger. No cost to watch talent show. Manzanita Booster Club 16th annual Chicken Barbecue FundraiserFrom 5-8 p.m. Saturday, May 1, at Manzanita Elementary School, 627 E. Evans Reimer Road, Gridley. The carnival starts at 5 p.m. Also, silent auction, live music and a car show provided by Gold County Cruisers, Gridley Cruisers and Oro Dam Cruisers. Tickets $10 adults, $5 children ages 6-12 and free for children 5 and under. Drive thru available. Las Plumas/Oroville high school band spring dinner fundraiserLas Plumas/Oroville high schools Alliance Band concert, silent auction and tri-tip barbecue fundraiser at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 1, at Southside Community Center, 2959 Lower Wyandotte Road. $10 adults, $6 children under 10. RSVP for tickets at 589-4993. Also at Housers Music, Discount Books and at the door. Helps raise funds for band's trip to Canada to march in Victoria Day Parade. Oroville Feather Fiesta DaysSaturday, May 1: Bidwell Bar Day: noon-4 p.m. at Lake Oroville Recreation Area, Bidwell CAnyon Recreation Unit off Kelly Ridge Road. Historic costumes, crafts, gold panning and more Free. 538-2219. Native Sons of the Golden West fifth annual Oroville Beer Fest: 1-5 p.m. outside the Western Pacific Brewing and Dining, 2191 High St. Sample beers and ales brewed by Western Pacific and others from Northern California and elsewhere. Live music and food available. Tickets $20 each or $100 for book of 6 at Western Pacific or Oroville Area Chamber of Commerce. Information, Kent Fowler, 693-1267. Sunday, May 2: Fiesta Day Fashions at the Lake, 1 p.m., Lake Oroville Golf and Event Center. Buffet lunch by Lakeview Restaurant, entertainment, fashions, raffle. Debbie Moore, 533-3902. Oroville Republican Women Home Tour and Tea, 1-3 p.m. Joan Townsend, 868-5520. Tuesday, May 4: Bolt Tool Museum open house, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., at 1650 Broderick St. Free admission and refreshments. Close to 10,000 items displayed. Wednesday, May 5: Annual open house at Chinese Temple complex, noon-4 p.m., 1500 Broderick St. Tours, refreshments free to all. Thursday, May 6: Ishi Gathering and seminar through Saturday at various locations and times. Includes ancient Native American skills, arts and practices, bus tour, film festival, archery tournament. Butte County Historical Society, 533-9418, for information. Free Pops Concert by Oroville Community Concert Band, 7 p.m. at Southside Oroville Community Center, 2959 Lower Wyandotte Road. 538-2470. Friday, May 7: Kiwanis 63rd annual Kiddies Parade begins 4:30 p.m. downtown at Bird St. Cruise In/Show & Shine, 5-8 p.m., Feather Falls Casino and Lodge. Classic cars, trucks, motorcycles. Free. Bob Buskirk, 533-4219. GCC & Western Pacific Brewery Bike Show, 5-10 p.m. at Gold Country Casino and Hotel. Bike judging, drinks, food, live music and local vendors. Heather Corbaley, 538-4560, ext. 1607. Saturday, May 8, downtown events: Annual Eagles pancake breakfast, 6-10 a.m., Eagles Hall. $5; Gold Rush Car Show, 7 a.m.-4 p.m.; St. Thomas Spring Fest, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. in school parking lot; Gold Rush activity lot, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., food, games, family fun; annual Craft Faire at Sank Park, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Oroville Exchange Club Grand Parade starts 10 a.m. at Fifth Avenue and Montgomery Street (Theme: Community Service for Oroville); Art in the Park for Kids, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in Soroptimist Park; Artists of River Town art booths, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in Bicentennial Park; Motorcycle Bike Show, 11 a.m. at Western Pacific Brewery & Dining; Chili Cook Off by Oroville firefighters, noon-3 p.m. with live music and beer; Cruise of Champions, 4:30 p.m. from Gold Rush Car Show in downtown to Feather Falls Casino; Ishi World Film Festival, 6:30 p.m. at State Theatre. Sunday, May 9: El Medio Fireman's annual Mother's Day ham dinner, noon-5 p.m. at El Medio Fire Department, 3515 Myers St. Information, 533-4484. 30th annual Bidwell Bar DayFree event, noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 1, at Bidwell Canyon Recreation Unit, Lake Oroville. Recreation of life during the Gold Rush at Bidwell Bar, now under Lake Oroville. Hands-on activities for all ages; candle making, corn husk dolls, tin art, gold panning, Faro pioneer card game and more. Pioneer crafts for sale; lunch of banger sausage on stick or hot dog with baked beans sold; cookies. Strolling musicians, gypsy to predict futures; melodrama, "The Meandering Bride," by the Bidwell Bar Players. Free admission and parking. Sponsored by Bidwell Bar Association, California Department of Parks and Recreation and Lake Oroville SRA volunteers. Take Highway 162 (Olive Highway) east form Oroville approximately 8 miles; turn left on Kelly Ridge Road; right on Arroyo Drive and follow signs. 538-2219. Oroville Republican Women's annual Oroville Home Tour and Garden TeaTour on Sunday, May 2, beginning at 1 p.m. at 3525 Morningside Drive, Oroville. See four homes then enjoy a garden tea at the Bayliss Lavender Ranch on Highway 99 at Rio Bonito Road starting at 3:30 p.m. Cost is $20, with tickets available at the homes or in advance by calling 533-5395 or 532-7922. Bolt Antique Tool Museum open houseFree admission and refreshments, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 4. Unique museum with close to 10,000 tools collected by Carl "Bud" Bolt. View new displays. Located at 1650 Broderick St., one block from Chinese Temple. Regular hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., and Sundays, 11:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Regular admission is $3. Group tours by appointment. 538-2528; Museum, 538-2406. Free play dates at Max's Miracle RanchOpen 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at 3476 Smith Ave., Biggs. Farm tours, playground, train rides, horseback rides and 99 cent ice cream cones. Also story time where people are advised to bring blankets for comfort. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, weather permitting, through Oct. 1. The ranch is also open other days. Call 868-1026 or 354-7168 for more information. Country dance featuring SaraFrom 7-10 p.m. Friday, May 7, sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 1747, at 1901 Elgin St., Oroville. Donation $5 per person at door. 589-4786. Oroville Friends of the Library book saleFrom 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 8, at Oroville Library, 1820 Mitchell Ave. They will also be selling hot dogs. Friends of the Library will have a booth at Optimist Park. Ruthmarie Ferris, 533-1355. Swiss Steak Dinner at Yankee Hill GrangeFrom 5-6 p.m. Saturday, May 8, at 4122 Big Bend Road. Public invited for a donation of $7 adults, $3 children 10 and under and children under 4 free. 533-7101 or 534-0456. Hi-Guy, Hi-Hon Community DancersCommunity dance for Butte County adults ages 50 plus, from 6-9 p.m at 2959 Lower Wyandotte Road. No partner necessary. Saturday, May 8, music by Cottonwood. $6 donation. Birthdays for month celebrated at first dance of month; we provide cake and punch. 534-0818. Oroville Tea Party Patriots Town Hall Meet & GreetMeet Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 10, at the Thermalito Grange Hall, 479 Plumas Ave. Refreshments. Call 532-4539 for more information. Oroville Concert Association meetingThe annual meeting of the association to elect board members will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 11, in the conference room of the Oroville Library, 1820 Mitchell Ave. 589-0836 or 533-2162. Swiss steak dinner by Sue at Berry Creek GrangeFrom 5:30-7 p.m. Friday, May 14, at 1477 Bald Rock Road. Donation $7 adults, children 12 and under half price. 589-2695 or 589-2961 after 5 p.m. PAWS ninth annual Poker WalkPeople of all ages may participate in their choice of two walks on Saturday, May 15, starting at the PAWS Place Thrift and Gift Shop parking lot, 2075 Baldwin Ave. Two-mile walk loops through downtown, along the river and back to the shop; or short 20-yard park walk next to lot. Registration and check-in 9 a.m.; last walker leaves at 9:30 a.m. Walkers pick up cards from five stations; top 3 poker hands win prizes. Also raffle prizes. Donation/entry fee $15 if pre-registered or $18 day of walk. Refreshments will be served. Dogs are welcome but must on leashes. Second largest fundraiser of year for PAWS. Information or pre-registration, 534-5713, 679-0116 or visit the shop. Donations for thrift shop being accepted now, as well as towels and blankets for low-cost spay/neuter clinic. I Wish Healthy Habits DayHealth fair from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, May 15, at State Theatre, 1489 Myers St. A presentation of "I Wish," a fantasy musical play that teaches healthy habits, will be at 2 p.m. Approximately 1,000 kindergarten through second graders will be bused to see this play earlier in the week. YMCA Fit-n-Fun DayThe YMCA and Jack Splash are hosting this day from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, May 15, at the North Forebay. Whole family is invited. Free admission and free parking. Enjoy many interactive booths that include fun, engaging and creative activities to encourage children and families to adopt behaviors that support a healthy lifestyle. Booths include water and boating safety, canoeing, healthy food samplings, Jack Splash fish simulator, fitness class demonstrations like Zumba and Tai Chi, fitness challenges, crafts and 4-H animals to pet. Parents can participate in activities with their kids. Each kid will get a passport to get stamped at every station, and those who complete the passport will get a prize. People can also register for YMCA programs for the summer. 533-9622. 67th Annual Deep Pit Barbecue at Bangor HallNoon-5 p.m. Sunday, May 16, at 7500 Oro Bangor Highway. Meal includes barbecue beef, potato salad, beans, green salad and roll. Adults $10, children under 11 $5 and children under 3 free. Also, children's games, bounce house, water slide, raffles, horseshoe challenge, art exhibit and craft vendors. Music by High Noon. Bangor Community Park Association is looking for vendors/crafters for the barbecue. Tables are $10 each. For a reservation, call Kathy at 679-0109 or Debbie at 679-0807. Oroville Christian School ninth annual Golf Tournament Best Ball ScrambleThis tournament has been canceled until further notice. For information, call 533-2888. Oroville Sunrise Rotary's annual Golf TournamentTournament is Saturday, May 22, at Lake Oroville Golf Course. 8 a.m. shotgun start. Barbecue chicken lunch and awards. Fee: $75 (golf course members deduct $30). Make check payable to: Oroville Sunrise Rotary, P.O. Box 5476, Oroville, Calif. 95966. Price includes lunch and golf cart. 534-8806 or 521-8487. Event raises funds for charitable causes. Pat Alley Memorial Dog Park openingSaturday, May 29, the program starts with a ribbon cutting ceremony and dedication at 10 a.m., followed by a dog costume parade/contest at 10:30 a.m. Four more dog contests from 10:30 -2:30 p.m.; prizes awarded. Low cost vaccine clinic by Butte Oroville Veterinarian Hospital, sponsor with the Feather River Recreation & Park District. The event ends at 4 p.m. Enter Riverbend Park, turn left and continue, going under Highway 162 bridge on very rough dirt road to pond where road deadends. Applications for dog contests and booth spaces (fee) available by calling 533-2011. For more information, e-mail Deanna Simmons at the Park District, deanna@frrpd.com. Forbestown Ridge Fire Safe Council Yard SaleFrom 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, June 5, at corner of Forbestown Road and Challenge Cut-off Road near the old Buckhorn Saloon. Plenty of parking and shopping under the pine trees. Also, opening day of Forbestown's Gold Trader Flat Museum. Omega Nu Luau Dinner DanceThe Alpha Beta chapter of Omega Nu is hosting the dance starting at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 5, at the historic Monday Club, 2385 Montgomery St. Tickets are $30 per person. A no-host bar will include beer, wine and Mai-Tais. For information, call 370-3545 or 990-3083. Las Plumas High School class of 1980 reunionThe 30-year reunion will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 19-20. Please e-mail LPHS1980@gmail.com to receive information. Oroville High School class of 1960 reunionPlans for the 50-year reunion on Saturday, Aug. 21, are being made and information on classmates who have moved in the last five years is needed. Please call Linda Ledger, 589-1613, or Joan Robetson, 534-8901 if you can provide information about former classmates.
Nonprofit groups and community organizations can submit items for "What's Happening in Oroville" by e-mailing the pertinent information to whatshappening@orovillemr.com, fax it to 342-3617 or mail it to: What's Happening in Oroville, P.O. Box 9, Chico, CA 95927. Please include your name and telephone number on all correspondence. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. |
Announcing the launch of The Roving Travellers' Store - PRLog (free press release) Posted: 22 Apr 2010 08:46 AM PDT PR Log (Press Release) – Apr 22, 2010 – Aspire Services announces the launch of its latest offering, The Roving Travellers' Store (TRTS): Travel Stuff for Travel Buffs.
In today's fast paced life, taking a break to travel far or near, explore new places, revisit favorite holiday destinations, relax in beautiful locations or indulge in adventure activities, has become a must. Not only does this make one learn about this amazing world, it is also a rejuvenating experience before bouncing back into the daily home-work-home routine. Being informed and prepared for travel escapades is very important, for the experience to be convenient and comfortable. TRTS endeavours to do just this: prepare and inform travel enthusiasts around the world. The travel store is committed to simplifying the fulfilment of all travel related needs for a complete travel shopping experience. TRTS brings to travel buffs the unique advantage of having everything travel related under one roof, in this case, on a single website. The store provides a comprehensive range of luggage, all types of bags, travel accessories, travel books, guides and maps; quick access to hotel reservations, air travel bookings and car hire; travel tips, destination ideas, helpful travel articles and latest travel news. While the travel products section caters to USA residents, the rest of the online store is worth a visit for everyone. The company plans to announce the launch of its UK operations in a few months. TRTS Website: http://www.travelstore.aspireservicesonline.com Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. |
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